Jars of fresh made baby food

If you ever find yourself wanting to try and make some baby food in the comforts of your home, we have some tips for you to try. Making your own baby food can be so much fun and beneficial to you, your baby, and the planet. Let’s dive in and make some food!

For your baby’s first solid foods, it is recommended to mash up ripe bananas or avocados and introduce that first before making your own. Once your baby responds well to solids, here’s what you can do at home while making your own food:

First, you’re going to want to peel and wash any produce, making sure seeds are removed, as well as any pits. Cook your food until it is VERY tender. Steaming your food in a little bit of water is a great method that will retain most of the vitamins and minerals in the fruits and veggies.

Purée or mash your food in its own juice. It is recommended not to add any honey or flavoring until your little one is over 12 months of age. Once your food is mashed, always check that the texture and temperature are appropriate, making sure your food does not contain any choking hazards and also making sure your food isn’t too hot! You can refrigerate it and serve it cold. Fruit purée may be better cold and vegetable purée may be better served warm. If you are breastfeeding, you may also add breast milk into your puréed food to thin it if needed.

We hope that your food making journey goes smoothly, and we hope baby enjoys whatever you choose to whip up for them!

With Love, the Baby Discovery Box Team