If you’re anything like me, just the thought of breast pumping is exhausting. There are so many questions that come along with it. Am I doing this right? How much am I supposed to pump? What if I can’t pump? Are some days better than others? Are there different sized pumps? We’re here to answer those questions for you and to make your pumping journey less scary.
To start, how often to pump! To build the best milk supply, pumping in between feedings with your little one is best. If you’re pumping at work, try to pump on schedule with you and your baby’s feeding schedule. Shoot for every 3-4 hours, and try to pump for at least 20-30 minutes each session. I know, it’s demanding, but all of your hard work will pay off when you have a healthy supply of milk. Something to note: creating a feeding and pumping schedule that feels the most organic and comfortable to you and your baby are essential. If you’re feeling rushed, overwhelmed or stressed out about feeding and pumping times, take a step back. Your supply will be there as long as you work with it. Your baby will latch to you while breastfeeding as long as it feels natural for both parties. Keep it cool, calm and collected.
When should I start pumping? There is no right or wrong time to start pumping. Most times it depends on your schedule! Some moms start pumping right away; other moms start pumping when they are preparing to go back to work. There is no wrong time! If you are not planning to breastfeed, pumping right away to build up your milk storage is a great idea.
Are there different pump sizes? There are! Technically, there are different breast shield sizes. Making sure you have the correct breast shield on your pump is not only beneficial to your comfort level, but it improves efficiency as well. When you have the wrong size shield, you may not pump as much due to discomfort or extra air coming in through the pump.
Are some days better than others? YES! A million times, yes. There are days where it feels impossible – not only to pump but to breastfeed as well. My best tip is to always make sure you have a comfortable pumping/feeding space. Even decorate it! Make the space a safe space. It will do wonders for you, I promise.
Keep calm. This is all hard work! There is a lot of pressure on moms to pump a certain way and to get a certain amount of milk for a certain amount of time. In reality, you will pump however much you and your body are comfortable with, and that’s a win. Never get down on yourself. Trust yourself, and be PATIENT. You’re creating liquid gold! Take care of yourself, mama!
With Love, the Baby Discovery Box Team
(note: Article with detailed information on the types of breastpumps!) Breast Pump Expert
Read our blog post on Breastfeeding for more information.